
Another Great Opening Day

You can’t open what is not closed, so Friday evening, the club was closed (overnight) with plans for Opening Day to follow on May 11! The brief ceremony gave Executive Committee members the opportunity to thank committee chairs for their hard work and dedication to the club.

It hardly seems possible that we have celebrated another Opening Day at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club! More almost three hundred members and distinguished guests observed the opening of BCYC’s 66th yachting season with a formal ceremony. The First Marine Division Band Brass Quintet entertained us before and during our Opening Day – it was very impressive! This was also a time for presenting awards to the winners of the morning boat inspection — a presentation by NOSA and BCYC Staff Commodore Mary Bacon — and the coveted perpetual Edward F. Kenedy Memorial Trophy, awarded to the individual who has significantly contributed to yachting in Southern California. This year, this award was presented to Staff Commodore Rhonda Tolar.

We then rocked the docks with the music from the M Street Band all afternoon. The theme of the day was the Beatles “Come Together,” which we did by visiting members’ boats and partaking in their hospitality. We also enjoyed complementary hot dogs, pizza and draft beer provided by the club. This was a day to celebrate all that makes BCYC a very special place!

Commodore, Cleave Sproule